Monday, October 25, 2010

Episode 4 through Pictures

We want to thank the Malaysian Paralympic Council and our Malaysian paralympians for their involvement in the making of this episode. It was an honour for the cast and crew of "Crossings" to be able to work with such a talented, dedicated and perseverant group of individuals.

The Malaysian paralympians with the producers, director and crew.

Sara's underwater scene.

Director, underwater cameraman, assistant director and Dira checking out the shots.

Behind the scenes with Hansen and Bob.

At the graveyard.

Sara pays Bob a visit at his office. Anthony is curious.

The strong currents make underwater shooting tough!

Pictures courtesy of Candid Photography and Ashraff. For more pictures, visit our Facebook page and be a fan!!!

"Crossings" comes on air every Friday, 8.30pm on ntv7. Don't miss it! To watch past episodes, deleted scenes and bloopers, visit

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